Alvirne Chapel, Hudson, NH

Performed a Classic Spiritual Wedding Ceremony for a nice couple at Alvirne Chapel Saturday. It included a Handfasting ritual and custom vows for the Bride and Groom. Congratulations John & Jessica!

Prescott Park, Portsmouth, NH

Presided over a brief elopement ceremony out on the pier at Prescott Park on Friday. Instead of rings, the couple exchanged necklaces. After the ceremony was done, the newlyweds’ first assignment was to help me get out of a tight parking spot on Marcy Street – and their coordination was superb! Thanks Nathan & Jessica, and best of luck in all your future endeavors!

Ceremony Room

Our Ceremony Room, decorated for Christmas, was the scene of a Classic Spiritual Wedding Ceremony for a wonderful couple yesterday. A handful of close family and friends attended, and I took a group picture after the ceremony. Congratulations Warren & Alice!

Three Chimneys Inn

Performed a custom wedding ceremony for a great couple at the Inn on Saturday. The wedding was Catholic based and featured a Unity Candle, The Lord’s Prayer, Passing of the Peace, and a couple of New Testament readings. The wedding was originally scheduled to be performed outside, and the weather cooperated on rehearsal day, Friday, with temps in the 60’s. But Saturday was, unfortunately, another story as damp, cool weather forced the ceremony inside. Nonetheless, the wedding was beautiful, and the Inn provided a warm, candlelit room for the ceremony. Congratulations Justin & Jennifer!

Three Chimneys Inn

Performed a custom wedding ceremony for a great couple this past Saturday in front of the fireplace at Three Chimneys Inn. The fireplace mantle was beautifully decorated in candles. Wedding colors were navy, cobalt, and gold. Congratulations Bobby & Liz!

Ceremony Room

Presided over a brief spiritual ceremony in our Brentwood Ceremony Room on Friday afternoon. Best of luck Lisa & Alfonso!

Three Chimneys Inn

Performed a Custom Wedding for a wonderful couple at the Inn on Saturday. The ceremony featured an Affirmation by the guests. An affirmation is the guest’s expression of support for the couple. I ask them if they are willing to support the couple in their marriage, and they respond by saying “I do!” This was a great group, and they responded resoundingly! Immediately after the ceremony, the couple, their wedding party and all the guests gathered on the lawn in the back of the ceremony area for a group picture. All-in-all, a fantastic ceremony! Congratulations Drew & Laureen!

Crowne Plaza, Nashua

Performed a Classic Wedding Ceremony for a fun couple at the Crowne Plaza on Friday. Color was burnt orange. The groomsmen were quite a handful – the wedding was at 6, and they started partying at 2! The wedding was just a continuation of the party! And, I’m sure, the party went on well after the ceremony and long into the night… and everyone had a great time. Congrats Sinan & Amanda!