Just back from being away last week, but wanted to post on a wedding I performed the Saturday before I left. It was a Classic Spiritual Ceremony for a great couple at the Black Swan in Georgetown. The coordination at the country club was great, and the wedding went off without a hitch! The wedding color was Sangria. Congrats Rich and Alicia!
Newburyport Elks
Performed a Classic Ceremony for a wonderful couple at the Newburyport Elks Saturday. The ceremony featured a Unity Candle where the tapers remained lit after the center candle was lit. Unity Candle ceremonies where the tapers remain lit emphasize the individual nature of the two people involved in the ceremony. Even though they are married, they remain separate and unique individuals each with their own unique gifts that are brought to the marriage. It’s been a while since I performed a Unity Candle ceremony with lit taper candles – and it went very well! All in all, a great wedding… congratulations Courtney & Ryan!
Fremont, NH
Presided over an elopement ceremony this past Friday for a couple at their Fremont home. Went to Fremont Pizzaria after the ceremony for a delicious pizza! Congratulations Daniel & Allicyn!
Seabrook Beach
Presided over a quick, spiritual ceremony for a great couple in front of a few family and friends on Seabrook Beach this past Friday. Best Wishes Brandon & Liz!
Ceremony Room, Brentwood
Presided over a quick spiritual ceremony at our Ceremony Room this past Friday. Congrats Brian and Laurie!
Portsmouth Country Club – Greenland, NH
Great wedding at the Portsmouth Country Club Sunday. Performed a Classic Wedding Ceremony for a wonderful couple. Colors were navy blue and peach, so I wore my peach colored tie since I don’t get a chance to wear that one as often. The bride passed her bouquet to her mom. A Good Times DJ provided the ceremony songs, and the Country Club did their usual, very professional, coordination. All-in-all, a very nice time! Congratulations Derek & Maria Fernanda!
Dover, NH
Conducted a brief ceremony for a great couple at a Dover, NH home on Valentine’s Day. Congrats Patricia & Remy!
Epping, NH
Valentine’s Day weekend was a busy one for me. Among the ceremonies I performed was a Classic Ceremony at a home in Epping. The wonderful couple was surrounded by their closest friends and family as they tied the knot. The ceremony color was Red Rose. Congratulations Jackie & Joseph!
110 Grill, Nashua, NH
First time at the 110 Grill in Nashua on the 13th for a brief secular ceremony for a wonderful couple. Best Wishes Terri & Thomas!
Ceremony Room
After some time off, I’m back performing weddings! And my first wedding for the year was in our Ceremony Room in Brentwood, where I performed a brief elopement ceremony for a great couple. Congratulations Candice & Ella!