Hampton, NH

Presided over a Lite Spiritual Wedding Ceremony for a wonderful couple in their suite with a great view of the Hampton Beach surf at the Ashworth By The Sea Hotel on Friday afternoon. Stuck around to take a few photos of the newlyweds after the ceremony. Congrats R & A!

Newmarket, NH

Presided over a Lite Spiritual Wedding Ceremony for a wonderful couple in Newmarket a couple of Saturdays ago. Wishing you all the best C & H!

Rear Range Lighthouse, Newburyport, MA

Married a fantastic couple with a Classic Spiritual Wedding Ceremony atop the Lighthouse a couple of Friday evenings ago. It was a little tight space-wise as I, a photographer, and an assistant were in attendance, and the top of the Rear Range is a smallish space, but it actually added to the coziness of the evening. The couple recited their own personal vows as well as traditional vows. Colors were red, white, and blue. Best wishes J & M!

Little Harbor Chapel, Portsmouth, NH

Wed a great couple with a Classic Wedding Ceremony in front of about 25 guests at my favorite Chapel on the seacoast last Friday afternoon. Colors were navy blue and forest green. Congratulations Adam & Nicole!

Camelot Room, Holy Grail Restaurant, Epping, NH

Performed a Classic Wedding Ceremony for a great couple at the Holy Grail last Friday afternoon. About 20 were in attendance. The weather was so nice, the wedding took place outside in the courtyard. I stuck around to take photos of the group after the ceremony. Colors were navy blue and burgundy. Congratulations Anthony & Jill!

McDonnell Conservation Area, Exeter

Presided over a Lite Wedding Ceremony for a very nice couple with their children in attendance at the Conservation Area last Thursday morning. The weather was great, but we couldn’t go down to the river bank because the water was running so high. Best wishes R & E!

Portsmouth, NH

Presided over a Lite Spiritual Wedding Ceremony for a very nice couple at their home yesterday afternoon. Congratulations T & K!

Granite Rose

Performed a Classic Wedding Ceremony for a very nice couple at The Rose on Thursday afternoon. About 60 were in attendance. The couple’s dog Tank was the ring bearer, and he did a great job! Colors were dark green and blush. Congratulations and best wishes Paul & Francesca!

Granite Rose

Performed a Classic Spiritual Wedding Ceremony for a wonderful couple for my second wedding of the weekend at the Granite Rose late Saturday afternoon. About 100 were in attendance. Colors were navy, ivory, burgundy, and champagne. The couple recited traditional vows during the wedding, but stepped away from the crowd to share their own personal vows in private after the ceremony was done. Congratulations and best wishes Kevin & Alina!

Hampton Beach

Presided over a Lite Spiritual Elopement Ceremony for a delightful couple on the beach at Hampton on Saturday afternoon. It was rainy, windy, and cold, so we had the entire beach to ourselves (which is something you can’t often say about Hampton Beach!) — but that made it really nice! I took a few pictures of the couple using their cell phone after the ceremony was over. Best Wishes B & M!