We aren't program experts, but we felt we would be remiss not mentioning how you can include all of your great ceremony music in your program.

The Purpose Of The Program

The program is the guest's guide to your wedding. It can range from very simple (ceremony activities and bridal party only) to very involved (some couples create a small booklet that lists almost every detail right down to the lyrics for every song in the ceremony). There is no real protocol on this, and it really is a matter of taste. You don't necessarily have to, but if you decide to mention your ceremony music in the program, here are some ways of doing it...

For each activity you can simply mention the name of the song:

Processional..................................................................... Canon in D

Seating of the Mother's........................ Jesu, Joy Of Man's Desiring

For a more informative listing, you can mention the name of the composer:

"Canon In D"........................................................ Johannes Pachelbel

Seating of the Mother's
"Jesu, Joy Of Man's Desiring"....................... Johann Sebastian Bach

If a solo is to be performed, it is always nice to include the name of the Performer:

Solo......................................"From This Moment" sung by Jane Doe
Solo................................................... Jane Doe "From This Moment"

Although not mentioned in most programs, you can list prelude songs in the following manner:

"Ave Maria".................................................................... Bach/Gounod

"From This Moment"................................................. Twain & White

"Give Me Forever: I Do"............................................................... Tesh

If you want to mention the name of the background song for a reading, here is one way to do it:

Reading: John Doe
"The Strength To Love"................................. Martin Luther King Jr.
Background Music For Reading:
"Fragrant Fields"...................................................... George Winston

Of course it's always a nice touch to mention the DJ/Musician(s) that helped to create the music for your wedding:

Musical Services Provided By:

Organist/Keyboardist................................................... Ms. Jane Doe

Trumpeter.................................................................. Mr. John Smith

Violinist.......................................................................... Mr. John Doe

Disc Jockey/Music Coordinator............................. Mr. John Brown

Singer.......................................................................... Ms. Jane Smith

These are just some ideas. Use your imagination to come up with some other ways to mention the music and performers in your program.

Especially for more complex wedding ceremonies and those with large bridal parties, the rehearsal can play a vital role in making sure your wedding will come off without a hitch. And, as we have been stating throughout this website, music is a big part of the ceremony. So lets' see how music can fit in to your rehearsal.

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